Artwork by JaneMade
Happy Friday everyone! I am so beyond excited to introduce a new series on the blog today, Tarotstrology with Janine of Spring Tide. Tarot and Astrology are two things I’ve been interested in for a long time, and when I discovered that Janine (who I met a few years ago when she was doing readings in boston) was combining the two into what she calls tarotstrology, i knew it was the perfect fit.
Every month, Janine will be sharing mini readings for each Zodiac sign, integrating her knowledge of Tarot with Astrology. Janine’s readings will align with the beginning of the astrological season every month (click. read. love. will still be every friday, because of the new moon, it will be on saturday this week). I hope you enjoy this new series and can’t wait to hear what you think. – Jess
While I am not an astrologer (Tarot and Astrology are two very different mediums), I have used the Major Arcana to better understand how to work with and integrate the energy of each Zodiac sign.
For those of you unfamiliar with Tarot, the Major Arcana are 22 special, high energy cards that represent life lessons and our journey to enlightenment – they’re kind of a big deal. And lucky for our purposes here, each Zodiac sign rules one of the cards in the Major Arcana.
In an effort to marry my beliefs about Tarot – that connecting with present energies can help you take aligned action – and my love of horoscopes, I’ve created a little something I’m calling Tarotstrology. It’s a long walk from the horoscopes I used to read in Cosmo growing up, but let’s just say if I told my younger self that this would be my job, she would think it’s pretty cool.
This first Tarotstrology installment comes to you at our first New Moon of the year! So if you’re feeling as though you hadn’t solidified your intentions or made your plans for what you want this year to bring – you are in luck. This is another chance to step into the energy of a new beginning starting with these readings.
– Janine
Below you’ll find a mini reading for each sign that takes into account 3 cards:
- The Emperor – our collective card of the year (2+0+2+0 = 4 and in Tarot 4 = The Emperor)
- The Major Arcana card ruled by your sign
- An intuitive pull (just like in a reading with me)
With the collective card being The Emperor, we are all going to be required to step into our power, take up space, access internal authority and act in integrity. This is not the year to sit back and wait for someone to come to our rescue. It’s my hope that these brief readings will help you see a path towards action as you continue to plan and vision your year.
Aries – The Emperor
9 of Pentacles
Aries rules The Emperor, so you are no stranger to this year’s energy. 2020 is a double dose of fire that gives you even clearer permission to keep your head up high and make empowered progress. Before you burn yourself out, take time to reflect on the ways you can use your power for collective good, not selfish gains. What if you’re the king you’ve been waiting for?
Taurus – The Hierophant
Knight of Pentacles
Taurus rules The Hierophant, a card that teaches us about truths and spiritual insight. This year, beyond being an authority on your own beliefs, you’re being asked to embody them. Sometimes knowing isn’t enough. Do not back away from your inner guidance, allow it to help you chart a course forward.
Gemini – The Lovers
Seven of Cups
Gemini rules The Lovers, a card that teaches us about balance and harmony. This year, don’t let pros and cons, imperfect solutions and idealism hold you back. You are learning to balance being in a dream state and being in action. Channeling a vision for the future does not replace immediate action. Trust me, you’ll never lose sight of the big picture.
Cancer – The Chariot
The World
Cancer rules The Chariot, a card that teaches us about alignment and forward momentum. This year marks both the beginning and end of a cycle. How can you balance a sense of accomplishment and pride with your drive to continue growing? Use your successes as a diving board – think more broadly and collectively when setting your sights on the next horizon.
Leo – Strength
Page of Pentacles
Leo rules Strength, a card that teaches us about resilience and vulnerability. This year, you’re being tasked with bringing a fresh energy to age old problems. It’s not time to try and make the first solution the best (or only) one, you must remember to experiment, to flex that creative muscle. You’ll learn a hell of a lot more by trying a new angle than you will be repeating old playbooks.
Virgo – The Hermit
8 of Wands
Virgo rules The Hermit, a card that teaches us about going within and pacing ourselves. This year, you may be moving a little faster than you’re used to – the snow ball has started rolling down the hill. It’s a good thing. Your evolution depends on releasing a bit of control to see what blossoms from your intentions.
Libra – Justice
8 of Pentacles
Libra rules Justice, a card that teaches us about equality and, well, justice. This year is about committing to the work, Libra. There’s no quick fix and that can be incredibly frustrating. But you’re making a commitment to the kind of life you *really* want to lead. Mastery of your own personal manifesto won’t happen overnight but it’s a journey you won’t regret taking.
Scorpio – Death
9 of Cups
Scorpio rules Death, a card that teaches us about impermanence and rebirth. This year, you’re becoming aware of some beliefs that have been limiting you. What if all that emotional clutter was cleared? What would replace it? Indulge yourself with a vision of your life bigger than you’ve previously imagined – one filled with fruitfulness and an abundance of pleasure. Try that on for size.
Sagittarius – Temperance
9 of Wands
Sagittarius rules Temperance, a card that teaches us about co-creation and alchemy. This year, despite how much work needs doing, you can not shoulder it alone. Isolation only limits your ability to inspire greater change. Trust that there are people who see things as you do and are willing to work alongside you to get shit done.
Capricorn – The Devil
4 of Wands
Capricorn rules The Devil, a card that teaches us about addiction and liberation. This year, the patterns that keep you feeling unhappy, dissatisfied, and ambivalent are no longer welcome. You are meant to live an inspired life, and as counterintuitive as it sounds, that takes hard work. Choosing a different mindset doesn’t change everything, but it’s a start.
Aquarius – The Star
2 of Cups
Aquarius rules The Star, a card that teaches us about healing and nonconformity. This year, it’s time to integrate. You’re no stranger to intuition, but it’s the embodied action that can be challenging. Don’t abandon yourself because you fear standing out or can’t always rationalize your choices. You are your own best companion.
Pisces – The Moon
10 of Cups
Pisces rules The Moon, a card that teaches us about our inner depths and wildness. This year, savor what is present because it’s not permanent. Things will evolve – you want them to – but loving how things are and desiring change don’t have to be contradictory. Allow that complexity within you and you’ll stop feeling like you’re treading water.
Spring Tide is a project founded by Janine Mulone – business witch, tarot reader and intuitive coach. Her work is intended to marry ambition with intuition and help people live more inline with their natural cycles. Want more magic? You can follow Janine on Instagram or book a remote reading with her here!
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