With NYFW approaching fast and furious I thought it would be the perfect time to share more about LIKETK.IT. A lot of you have asked me how it works and the good news is, it’s super easy! For those of you that follow me on instagram (@jessannkirby) you’ve probably noticed in the comments of my images something similar to this #liketkit www.liketk.it/jfKk @liketkit. If you type www.liketoknow.it/jfKk into your web browser it will take you to a link where you can sign up for a liketk.it account. Many times I post outfits on Instagram that don’t make it to the blog, or won’t be on the blog for a few days so it’s a great and easy way to get info on items I post through Instagram sent right to your email. You only need to register ONCE to start receiving product links directly to your email, and there’s tons of other bloggers and celebrities using it, so I encourage you to check it out! I’ll be using it all fashion week since I won’t be posting my outfits to the blog until I get back!
Once you sign up, every time you “like” one of my Instagrams, links to the items from my Instagram photos will be sent directly to your email whenever you want (you can choose immediate, daily or weekly).
Get a head start and click any of the images below to sign up!
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