Sharing a special post today just in time for your holiday shopping! I’ve teamed up with a fabulous group of bloggers to give you a chance at winning a $400 Nordstrom gift card. Nordstrom is one of my favorite places to shop year round because they have fast and free shipping and an awesome selection (also great for gift ideas). Enter for your chance to win below and good luck!



Ashley Brooke | Mash Elle | Diary of A Debutante | Upbeat Soles | Covering The Bases


Brighton The Day | Visions of Vogue | Blushing Basics | To Be Bright | A Southern Drawl


Bows and Depos | Styled Snapshots | Living In Color Print | Let It Be Beautiful | Love, Olia


Style Cusp | Kiara Michelle | From C to C | Twenties Girl Style | Girl Get Glamorous


Because Shanna Said So | Lush to Blush | Prosecco & Plaid | Girl Meets Bow | Fashion A Bella

$400 Nordstrom Gift Card

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7 responses

  1. Mish L.

    omg, I lovee shopping at nordstrom!! this is just great 😀

  2. Mai Tran

    I’m wishing for Balenciaga Leather Split Vamp Bootie this Christmas. I hope I win.

  3. anna

    i want to win!

  4. anna

    i would like to win this!

  5. Mark Smith

    Thanks so much for making my day.

  6. Veronica Lee

    Cool! I love Nordstrom!

  7. Sarah Grace

    I love shopping at Nordtrom, especially online because they always offer free shipping and free returns. Plus, they always have a great selection and amazing customer service.

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