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I’ll be the first to admit that I am lost without my phone, and I’m willing to admit it. I’m constantly texting, Instagraming, Tweeting, Pinning, taking photos. I get that sinking, sick almost going to barf feeling when I can’t find my phone in my bag or my car, even though I know it’s in there. So I was intrigued when PopSugar asked me if I’d be interested in doing a social media cleanse, and then sharing my experience with all of you. I’ll admit I was a teeny bit terrified, I mean my phone is my lifeline. I often find myself saying, “what did we do before cell phones?” But I’m also constantly trying to find ways to live in the moment, take a step back and appreciate what’s around me, and in ABC’s new comedy, Selfie, the main character, Eliza Dooley is trying to do the same. We could all benefit from a day of living in the moment and taking our heads out of our…cloud.

So last Saturday, I did just that, I turned off my phone (ok I put it on Airplane mode) and lived in the moment, and it couldn’t have been the more perfect time. Last Saturday my cousin got married. I was a bridesmaid along with my two other cousins. We grew up together, and this was the first cousin wedding, so it was a big deal. I had to use my phone in the morning to coordinate some timing, but once I got to my Aunt’s house to get ready, the phone was off. It was really a lot easier than I thought. Yes I was definitely tempted to check Instagram, my email, and to see if anyone had texted me but I felt liberated too. It was so nice to enjoy being with my cousins and my Aunts, getting ready for the wedding, chatting, doing our hair and makeup and just enjoying each other’s company. It was such a beautiful day and we sat outside, drank wine and talked while we got ready. I think many of us can admit that like Eliza, the main character in the show Selfie, we are social media addicts, spending more time checking our Instagram feed or Facebook status than living in the moment and enjoying what’s around us. And even though I went without a phone for one day, I felt a greater appreciation for the people around me, and thankful that I got to experience my cousin’s wedding uninterrupted by email or Facebook notifications. What do you guys think? Are you up for the Selfie challenge? I encourage you to try, even for an hour, and see how you feel, and what you discover! Find out how to watch the new ABC show, Selfie, below.

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Tune In to Watch Selfie

Premiere date: Tuesday, Sept 30th  8pm/7pm Central // Network: ABC

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by ABC through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about ABC Selfie, all opinions are my own.” 


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3 responses

  1. A Million Pinks

    I try to do this once a month (at least). Ignore all the noise and distractions and just be for a few hours. It can be very liberating!

  2. sara

    I had the same robe for my wedding but in the ankle length. Love the dresses and the simple flower crowns. Beautiful and in good taste!

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