Anyone else feel that? Like we’re on the brink of making some permanent and transformative changes? Maybe that’s just Gemini season rolling in, but entering our 3rd month at home, we are being challenged to embrace what was, what is and what could be. That’s a lot to hold, but if we look at it as an opportunity rather than a burden, I wonder what we could discover.
I’m glad to have Gemini, expressive and creative as it is, on our side as we explore all of the possibilities and to teach us that beyond the labels (good, bad, normal, uncertain) we may be able to see things that were hidden before.
Below you’ll find a mini reading for each sign that takes into account 3 cards for your Gemini season (May 21 – June 20):
- The Lovers
- The Major Arcana card your sign rules
- An intuitive pull – just like in a reading with me – for each sign
In Tarot, Gemini rules The Lovers – the 6th card of the Major Arcana. This next month or so, we are being asked to think outside the binary, integrate all the parts of ourselves and find harmony. There is a lot of vibrancy and understanding to be gained from exploring where we can all work together.

Gemini — The Lovers
6 of Cups RX
The key to love and acceptance is vulnerability, Gemini. I know, it sucks. Despite the circumstances, the past pain, the worry, the fear, you’re being invited to show up as open hearted as you know how, with yourself and others. Show off that big, beautiful heart.
Gemini rules The Lovers, a card that teaches us about balance and harmony.

Cancer — The Chariot
10 of Cups
Blink and you’ll miss it, Cancer. Don’t get so caught up searching for happiness that you forget what makes you happy in this moment right here. You can be grateful for what you have and simultaneously desire more. In fact, it will help you strive for what *really* feels good.
Cancer rules The Chariot, a card that teaches us about alignment and forward momentum.

Leo — Strength
9 of Cups
You’re on the brink of change, Leo. You’ve been making strides, improving, and challenging yourself. While you have a little ways to go to reach your goals, you can take a beat to be proud of the journey you’ve undertaken. Soak it in.
Leo rules Strength, a card that teaches us about resilience and vulnerability.

Virgo — The Hermit
10 of Pentacles
Enough is enough, Virgo, and I mean that in the most loving way. Acknowledge where you’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty. Your quest for perfection is admirable, but it’s not worth torturing yourself over. Done is better than perfect, as they say.
Virgo rules The Hermit, a card that teaches us about going within and pacing ourselves.

Libra — Justice
Ace of Cups
You need some space, Libra. If you’re finding yourself burnt out, uninspired or just feeling a little bitter, it’s a sign that you could use a little help (and a good dose of delegation). Remember balance requires an equal give and take. Realign where you need to.
Libra rules Justice, a card that teaches us about equality and, well, justice.

Scorpio — Death
The Empress RX
Where do you need a little extra care, Scorpio? You don’t always have to lead the charge or find the solution, sometimes you can release your grip and put the focus back on yourself for a minute. How can you nurture yourself? It’s time to receive.
Scorpio rules Death, a card that teaches us about impermanence and rebirth.

Sagittarius — Temperance
The Hanged Woman
Patience is a virtue, Sagittarius! At the moment, what you’re ready to uncover is hidden under a lot of layers of discomfort and self exploration – a new way of living, being in relationship and creating. It’s no small task, but it’s worth the wait.
Sagittarius rules Temperance, a card that teaches us about co-creation and alchemy.

Capricorn — Devil
The Magician RX
Just start, Capricorn! Whatever excuses you’re using to procrastinate won’t hold water this month. It’s scary to be new at something – relationships, projects, adventures – but waiting for all the conditions to be perfect to begin is a habit you’re ready to lovingly break up with.
Capricorn rules The Devil, a card that teaches us about addiction and liberation.

Aquarius — The Star
Two of Wands
Chart the course, Aquarius. This is a great time to dream about your future and pair those dreams with plans. They don’t have to be set in stone (don’t box yourself in), but give yourself time to explore where you’re headed and a few paths to get there.
Aquarius rules The Star, a card that teaches us about healing and nonconformity.

Pisces — The Moon
10 of Wands
Give yourself a break, Pisces. You may have taken on too much in an effort to feel like a good team player. You have the capacity to do it all, but not all at once. It’s time to work the way that works best *for you* (and I’d venture to guess speed has nothing to do with it).
Pisces rules The Moon, a card that teaches us about our inner depths and wildness.

Aries — The Emperor
Ace of Pentacles
Everyone starts somewhere, Aries. This month it’s not about mastering something on the first try, or even being an expert at all. Follow your curiosity and don’t be afraid to try something new. Even tiny blossoms can grow into strong trees with enough time.
Aries rules The Emperor, a card that teaches us about power and personal sovereignty.

Taurus — The Hierophant
Seven of Cups
It’s not indecision, Taurus. Regardless of how many options you see in front of you, if one doesn’t feel like a *hell* yes, it’s all a no for now. Try to resist the urge to label yourself as stubborn yet again and trust that when you feel called to move, you will. You always do.
Taurus rules The Hierophant, a card that teaches us about truths and spiritual insight.
Spring Tide is a project founded by Janine Mulone – business witch, tarot reader and intuitive coach. Her work is intended to marry ambition with intuition and help people live more inline with their natural cycles. Want more magic? Learn more about her work here.
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