February Tarotstrology: Pisces Tarotscopes

Tarotscopes: Pisces Season
Artwork by JaneMade

We’re just one astrological season away from Spring, ya’ll! Pisces season is here and it’s time for us to lean into our last intuitive, dreamy sign of the zodiac before we are ready for action and rebirth. 

If you’ve been feeling stuck, frustrated, antsy – you are not alone. This time of year often leaves us that way. We don’t live in a world that gives much validation or space for rest, for dreaming, for living in cyclical (versus) linear time. That is both the beauty and the challenge of Pisces and the inspiration behind this month’s Tarotstrology.

Below you’ll find a mini reading for each sign that takes into account 3 cards for your Pisces season (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

  1. The Moon – ruled by Pisces
  2. The Major Arcana card your sign rules
  3. An intuitive pull – just like in a reading with me – for each sign

In Tarot, Pisces rules The Moon – the 18th card in the Major Arcana. This next month or so, we are being asked to be compassionate to our own cycles, flow with the tides of our emotions and become more comfortable with mystery. There are new depths here for us to explore and this is not the time to ignore what your inner voice is telling you. 

Pisces – The Moon
Nine of Cups RX

Happy birthday Pisces! This month, you will be at home in your intuition, your emotions and your dreams, but be sure to take time to celebrate the things that have in fact come to fruition. It is just as important that you are able to pause and celebrate what you have brought to reality as it is to envision in the first place. 

Pisces rules The Moon, a card that teaches us about our inner depths and wildness. 

Aries – The Emperor
Queen of Cups

This is a tender month for you, Aries. As you prepare to reignite your fire in your upcoming season, it’s important to make sure there’s something left to burn. Have you been running yourself ragged? Pushing forward when you need rest? There is water all around you, giving you permission to simply float and give your body a break. 

Aries rules The Emperor, a card that teaches us about power and personal sovereignty. 

Taurus – The Hierophant
Five of Swords RX

You may feel a little friction this month, Taurus. Sometimes it’s difficult to allow for flow when we tend to want to see things in black & white. But some things are a spectrum, or a process, that can’t be carefully planned, understood and executed to a T. If you can, try to release expectations of how things coulda, woulda, shoulda happened and learn from what is. 

Taurus rules The Hierophant, a card that teaches us about truths and spiritual insight.

Gemini – The Lovers
Two of Wands RX

You’re making some decisions this month, Gemini! You know where you want to go, but haven’t been sure how to get there – deciding where and how to start can make your inner dialogue go haywire. You know that there is rarely a “perfect” or “right” way to go about anything, so make space to connect with your intuition, not the opinions/paths/voices of others. Trust what comes up. 

Gemini rules The Lovers, a card that teaches us about balance and harmony. 

Cancer – The Chariot
Ace of Pentacles

Change is coming, Cancer! You are ready for an upgrade – maybe it’s at work, home, the way you’re treating your body, but something is telling you it’s time to move onwards and upwards. Try not to rationalize or talk yourself out of exploring this new path just because change can be scary and vulnerable. Move slowly and gently.

Cancer rules The Chariot, a card that teaches us about alignment and forward momentum. 

Leo – Strength
The Tower RX

There is an awakening happening, my sweet Leo. You’re coming face-to-face with some of the structures in your life that just aren’t going to work for you anymore – relationships, boundaries, identities. Know that you have the capacity to evolve, but it may be time to KonMari more than just your closet.

Leo rules Strength, a card that teaches us about resilience and vulnerability. 

Tarotscopes: Pisces Season

Virgo – The Hermit
The High Priestess RX

Rest, reflect, repeat this month, Virgo! You are really being asked build your intuitive muscle and notice your reflex to treat self-care and rest as another item on your to-do list. You’ll need to challenge yourself to stay in the darkness long enough for your eyes to adjust. It will allow you to see the big picture in a way that you may not have even thought possible.

Virgo rules The Hermit, a card that teaches us about going within and pacing ourselves.

Libra – Justice
Three of Pentacles RX

It’s progress, not perfection, this month, Libra. This is a time for steady movement forward, potentially through collaboration and learning from the process, not the end result. You’re no stranger to this experience, but if you notice yourself getting stuck in a comparison trap, it may be time to set boundaries around whose work/life content you’re consuming. 

Libra rules Justice, a card that teaches us about equality and, well, justice. 

Scorpio – Death
Four of Cups RX

You’ll know it when you see it, Scorpio! Sometimes it’s easy for you to get lost in the void – the time between one ending and the new beginning, but you don’t have to have it all figured everything out. Sometimes you’ll know it when you see it, or maybe better put, feel it when you see it. It’s okay to stay still until the right opportunity comes along. 

Scorpio rules Death, a card that teaches us about impermanence and rebirth. 

Sagittarius – Temperance
Ten of Pentacles

If you are cared for, Sagittarius, the rest will take care of itself. If things have felt like a juggling act recently, it’s time to put the focus back on Y-O-U. What makes you feel successful? What activities really refill your cup? You are magnetic when you are able to show up as the best version of yourself – and when you do, the things that appear are not a coincidence, they’re encouragement.

Sagittarius rules Temperance, a card that teaches us about co-creation and alchemy. 

Capricorn – The Devil
Nine of Swords

Are you afraid of what’s hiding in stillness, Capricorn? Don’t trick yourself into thinking you shouldn’t be alone with your thoughts. Behind the initial discomfort of slowing down and spending time on introspection, it’s where your intuition and brilliance lives. You are not battling yourself, you’re clearing away cobwebs to allow for a clearer outlook. 

Capricorn rules The Devil, a card that teaches us about addiction and liberation. 

Aquarius – The Star
Seven of Wands RX

Oh Aquarius, are you feeling pressure to tame your creative nature? If you’re bumping up against defensiveness, anxiety or disorientation, it may mean you’ve been setting expectations for yourself based on what others expect of you, not what feels aligned. Luckily, pivoting, healing and forging your own path is sort of what you do best, so take some time to go back to your inner well. 

Aquarius rules The Star, a card that teaches us about healing and nonconformity. 

Spring Tide is a project founded by Janine Mulone – business witch, tarot reader and intuitive coach. Her work is intended to marry ambition with intuition and help people live more inline with their natural cycles. Want more magic? You can follow Janine on Instagram or sign up for her newsletter or book a remote reading with her.

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