FLANNEL PLAID SHIRT: Madewell 25% off / ROSE GOLD HEADPHONES: Frends up to 25% off / BOYFRIEND JEANS: BlankNYC (40% off) / WATCH: Larsson & Jennings (15% off w/ code LJ15) / CUFF BRACELET: Loren Hope 20% off / SUNGLASSES: Prada / MUG: Anthropologie / PLANNER: Henri Bendel 30% off plus a free tote
Cyber Monday is here and it’s even better than some of the sales from Friday and over the weekend. It’s really the last chance to get great deals before Christmas so if you’ve got any gifts left on your list, today is the day! I rounded up my top picks from the best Cyber Monday sales across the web. And make sure you check out my gift guides for tons of really good gift ideas, most of which are still marked down today!
Free shipping on all orders + extra 25% off sale
50% off one item, 40% off entire purchase
Ann Taylor
French Connection
Extra markdowns and additional designer clearance
Up to 25% off w/ code GOBIG15 at checkout
Velvet by Graham & Spencer
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