Time Management Techniques to Boost Productivity

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4 responses

  1. Kelsy

    Time blocking changed my life at work more than any other thing. I keep a Google Excel Sheet set up for two weeks at a time, broken out into 15 min increments. I’m more productive and better able to set expectations for incoming requests!

    Also a big fan of listening to movie scores! Hans Zimmer is great. Drowns out the noise from an open office plan without the lyrics that distract my brain.

  2. Shannon

    Great post! I can’t agree enough about e-mail. In fact a tip I read online was to delete e-mail completely from your phone. I find I check it far too much and too many things fall between the cracks. I haven’t done it yet but thinking about starting it next month!

    One thing that helped me a lot is the Ivy Lee method: writing 6 things down a day that must get done in priority, no more, & you can’t move on to the next task until the one above it is done. It helped me not only lead my day with intention but gets everything done in a timely matter! If I have a big task that will take up the whole day, then the other 5 will be easier ones like SEO tune up or make a tweet! x Shannon • http://www.essellesse.com

  3. Sarah

    I’ve been using time blocking too and the Pomodoro technique for those days that I really need to crank things out. At the start of each day, I also schedule out for myself how I’m going to spend each hour–even if I don’t keep to it exactly, it gives me a good target. I’m still working on checking my email less frequently. It can feel really challenging to step away when you’re in a work environment where the culture is to be responsive immediately.

  4. DTS

    “Time Management Techniques to Boost Productivity” resonate strongly with our commitment at DTS to optimizing efficiency through leading technology solutions. Just as we seek to streamline operations and minimize costs for our clients, effective time management is a cornerstone for enhanced productivity. This topic aligns with our mission, emphasizing the importance of utilizing innovative strategies to make the most of one’s time. As technology continually evolves, integrating time management techniques with advanced tools is key to navigating the demands of a fast-paced work environment. Just as we tailor solutions to unique needs, implementing these techniques fosters a productive synergy between individual time management and the overarching mission to optimize workflow and operations.

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