Jess Ann Kirby talks about credit scores as a portion of financial wellness

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19 responses

  1. Rach

    Thanks for sharing your 2018 goals! These are good ones and I love that you kept it realistic. You want to achieve something but considered your time and effort. Cheers to a great New Year!

  2. Allie

    This list is great! I love how you’re spreading out the goals — I think this definitely makes things more sustainable.
    I’m not sure if your reading goal is to really really unplug and curl up with a book (no distractions) but I’ve found my Audible subscription to have been the only “resolution” I’ve ever stuck with. I can listen to books in the car, washing dishes, folding laundry, cleaning, etc and I find I’m more willing and able to finish books that are a little more dense/dry and would have intimidated me otherwise.
    Regardless, if you felt comfortable it’d be awesome if you had a Goodreads account, and we can follow along with your book recommendations!

  3. Susie

    Your goals are so organized! I really should break mine down into sections, it makes it look SO much more manageable! And wow, that’s huge Instagram growth! Would you be able to do a post about tips you used to help grow your account more?

  4. Brianna

    I really LOVE all of these!! I just was saying how I need to ditch the plastic straws so I am going to order other ones and then hopefully once the office goes through this set, we won’t need to re-order.

  5. CharlotteSamantha

    These goals sound amazing, I’ve made my goals for the year but there are definitely a few here I want to add in to mine.
    We have just finalised everything for our house and I thought in my head that savings where done for now. But I love the idea of saving 15% to have a savings cushion.

    CharlotteSamantha //

  6. Kate

    I already love your blog a tonne but I am super excited that one of your goals this year is to reduce waste! This is something I’ve gotten more into over the past year and a bit and something I think is important to keep focusing on. It makes me so happy when bloggers I love share about this because they have such a large reach and can inspire so many people. Super excited for following along with you in 2018!! 🙂

  7. Lyddiegal

    Sounds like you’ve got some very good goals for the year, and striving for balance is a reasonable place to start. Checking in once a month is a great reminder to stay on course, and get back in line when you’ve swayed.

  8. Adrianna

    I love this post so much and I can’t believe hoy many goals of yours are so similar to mine! My goals include: detoxifying all of my skincare and beauty products to all natural and non toxic, save more money, take on more clients in my freelance business, work on my photography skills, learn Italian, eat more vegetables and less meat and volunteer once a month. Hoping to get to a local soup kitchen this weekend!

  9. Barbara

    Your goals/intentions are well articulated, although I am concerned about your-finding balance as you are being very ambitious with your achievements ?. I also agree wholeheartedly that Balance is the intangible that few of us seem to be able to achieve. I take comfort in the fact that almost every one of your goals could easily be mine as well (different industry/job – same struggle). I feel a sense of relief that we’re all dealing with (more or less) the same things at the end of the day (does ANYONE drink enough water ??) and I thank you for inviting us to join you on your journey! ?

  10. Megan

    These are great goals, Jess! I love how you’ve broken them out your personal goals by fitness, mental, physical etc. I’m taking a similar approach!

  11. emma

    love this outline! very personal for you to share it all, and it’s much appreciated. can’t wait to listen to your podcast and watch you grow! <3

  12. Mariah

    I can’t thank you enough for your honesty! I said I was starting a detox this week, and still haven’t started it. I said I would workout every day this week, I’ve worked out once. I said I would have my 2018 goals written out by end of this week, and I haven’t even started. I just really appreciate how real you are with everything! Hands down my favorite IG account to follow as well! Your bits of sarcasm in your IG stories make my day sometimes ? Hope I’m not coming off as a creep!! P.S. I now read your blog and follow you on Pinterest since you did those polls a few days ago! Great idea!!

  13. Deanna

    Thanks so much for sharing your 2018 theme and goals Jess. It’s very inspiring. I wrote down my own 2018 goals on Jan 1, sectioned into Career, Health & Wellness and Personal. As soon as I wrote it all down I felt so much better because I found it can all be very overwhelming until you just map it out. Looking for forward to the continued inspiration that you provide me and many others. 🙂


  14. Christina G.

    Hi Jess

    I have never commented before, but I was so inspired by your comment of incorporating a different beauty routine. For me, having products which are cruelty free (not tested on animals) is HUUUGE. I’ve avoided popular products that seem to work to improve skin due to the fact that the brand is not cruelty free. I can HIGHLY recommend Schmidt’s natural deodorant. I’ve used about 4-6 other deodorant brands and this is the only one that has kept the stink at bay. I live in SWFL, so nothing keeps me from sweating, but this natural and cruelty free deodorant keeps me fresh smelling! #notsponcered Id love for more bloggers to make cruelty free a priority! There is no need to test products on animals. ? #mysoapbox. Maybe when you look to make changes for your beauty routine, you can consider this brand! (Or any others which are cruelty free 🙂

  15. Elizabeth

    I’m glad your goals are so relatable, it makes this all seem less intimidating! My main goal/theme for this year is to take better care of myself physically/mentally/emotionally.

  16. Kayla L

    Thank you for sharing your goals. I have decided this year to be more conscious about my health- trying to get to the gym more and setting the ultimate goal of running a marathon in September. I am also going to try to do a modified whole 30 diet.
    Business/Job goals of mine are to travel more with my work. I am a traveling nurse and have set up a timeline for myself of where I am planning on going these next 9 months. There’s a lot of what-ifs involved in travel nursing, but fingers crossed it all works out!

  17. Danielle

    Thank you for kicking off such a fun challenge! And for incorporating different aspects of wellness, balance is so important. One of my goals is to run a 10K in June. Excited to follow along!

  18. Jen

    Really like this list of goals! It’s specific enough to stay on track but also general enough to shift around as needed. Such an inspiration! I’m definitely going to go home tonight and re-group my list of goals into category and specifics.

  19. Becca

    Jess these are all such great goals to have! As you said, balance is key 🙂

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