Click. Read. Love. 7.1.22


second beach summer prosecco and plaid-2Happy Fourth of July weekend! We hope you’re gearing up for beach, pool or lake days ahead (don’t forget your floatie) and enough barbecued food to satisfy your post-day at the beach appetite. We’re gearing up for a big BBQ tonight to kick off the weekend (follow on snapchat – jessannkirby) and can’t wait to see Newport in all of it’s red white and blue glory this weekend.
Jess & Caylin

If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share, or pin we’ve got you covered. Here’s what caught our eye this week:

Even though there might not be any new books or movies, it’s fun for Harry Potter fans to get little tidbits from J.K. Rowling, she released a good one this week.

The 22 most beautiful places in the world—how many have you been to?

Here’s 10 easy outfit ideas for this weekend.

Forget being a damsel (or dude) in distress, apparently young people aren’t mastering basic life skills. Let’s prove them wrong. We’ve mastered the majority of these things.

If you’ve got a big project at work and are feeling completely overwhelmed, here’s some useful advice to make it feel more manageable.

Would you hold it against us if we told you we still love summer reading?

We’ll be sharing some great sales this weekend but had to share Anthro’s summer tag sale is an extra 30% off markdowns with code EVENBETTER

Maybe the most incredible resume we’ve ever seen. We’re on board with anything that looks like old school Super Mario.

Charleston is WAY up there on our travel wish list so we loved Grace’s photo diary.

We love the magic Cameron Crowe brings to all of this films, so we’re excited to check out Roadies on Showtime. Plus we can’t stop listening to the The Mowglis song in the trailer.

Laughing over this creative way to look at chocolate.

Nineties throwback—check out Lisa Frank’s version of the adult coloring book.

Get up to 80% off the French connection sale w/ code FC20US

We love Heather Havrilesky’s Ask Polly column for New York mag (if you haven’t read it you should really check it out) but this short essay on the benefits on not explaining yourself should be required reading.

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One response

  1. Karen

    Jessica, thanks for the suggestion on the Heather Havrilesky article…. loved it! And the photo is stunning…. which Newport beach is it?

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