Click. Read. Love. 6.25.21

Happy Friday! Craig and I had our first outing together alone this week since 2019. I was pretty anxious about it but happy to report we had a great time and dare I say, it was relaxing. We sat outside on the water and for two hours, chatted, laughed and had fun. It feels weird navigating going out, especially with an unvaccinated toddler at home, and the fact that we haven’t done all these things we used to do regularly in SO long. Here’s to hopefully staying up late enough to catch a sunset this summer. Happy weekend.

If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…
Jess (J) & Caylin (C

Click. Read. Love. 6.25.21

Read this story last week, but it was so moving I had to share this week! One woman’s decades long fight to make Juneteenth a holiday.

SuChin Pak, how the news anchor is still making sense of her MTV experience.

Love this post from Grace on making new friends as an adult.

Rachel Lindsay on racism within The Bachelor franchise.

I think Caylin already mentioned it, but I just watched the entire season of Hacks on HBO Max and it was so great. Highly recommend.

If you’re craving a summer treat— these coconut oatmeal ice cream sandwiches sound really good and the ice cream inside can be customized to your personal preference.

OK, is it just us, or is everyone jumping on the pellet ice trend? This piece was kind of hilarious and feels of the moment.

Say good-bye to Scandinavian design trends and hello to art deco glamour!

I’m excited about these affordable bike shorts I found from Pact. I’m trying out this sports bra too. (J)

Holy throwback podcasts! For fans of these early 2000’s shows, these new podcasts are providing a dose of nostalgia.

What likeability really means in the workplace.

I shared these polarized sunglasses this spring but posting them again because you can’t beat these and they’re $25!

This was encouraging to see this week: General Milley defending the military teaching of critical race theory.

Black US farmers’ relief payments halted by white farmers’ lawsuit. Funds were intended to address discriminatory policies – but ‘promises to Black farmers are always put on hold.’

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