Hi and happy Friday from Vermont. We are here shooting my ABLE Fall collection and catching up with friends for a few days. We had such a fun time on the river last night, kids running around, playing in the water as the sun went down. What summer is all about. It’s been go, go, go for the last few weeks so I’m ready to slow down a bit and have some “boring” days as time is flying. Marin has grown up SO much this summer which has been amazing and fun to watch but also giving me lots of big feelings. Pepper is growing up too! She’s almost 8 months old and it feels like we are finally getting out of the exhaustion of the early puppy phase. Hope you enjoy this week’s round-up. Wishing you all a great weekend.
If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…
–Jess (J) & Caylin (C)
Click. Read. Love. 7.22.22
The fleeting magic of a Scholastic book fair, but do they live up to the nostalgia?
Did anyone else read The Boxcar Children when they were growing up? This was an interesting read if so. (Caylin)
Read this if you’re sweating a recession.
This is one of my favorite Bonnie Raitt songs of all time and Lake Street Dive’s cover is just chef’s kiss.
A great dress sale at Intermix. If you need a summer party frock this pink gingham dress is so chic and can be totally casual too.
The culture and psychology behind the feeling of being “touched out.”
A frightening preview of what’s to come in a post-Roe world.
A woman’s ex-husband is suing a clinic over the abortion she had four years ago, and a judge allowed him to establish an estate for the embryo.
On managing expectations at home and work after you have a baby.
I’ve shared it before but this Farmaesthetics herbal hydration mask is SO good. I can’t stop using it the smell is heavenly and my skin is always so happy the next morning when I wear it overnight.
Looking for an obscure spice, here are some of the best place to shop online.
This white tank from ABLE has been a favorite this summer. It’s soft, comfy and great quality. Use code JAK15 for15% off.
“We know it’s healthy to keep our bodies flexible as we age, but I think sometimes we forget how important it is to keep our minds flexible. If we don’t recognize that language and attitudes constantly evolve, we might rightly be accused of a stubborn conservatism that clings to our own radical youth, as if ours were the only generation capable of making progress.”
For Gen Z after losing Roe there’s a new layer of grief around sex.
One roommate is 85, the other is 27. Such arrangements are growing.
Is abortion sacred? A brilliant essay by Jia Tolentino.
In the era of remote work and Zoom meetings, are young adults missing out on the magic of your first work friends?
Sad to see monarch butterflies are now listed as endangered. There are things we can do to help. We have milkweed in our garden which is what they depend on.
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