Happy Friday. We got back late Wednesday after a few days on Silver Lake in Vermont. It was so nice to have a change of scenery for a couple days. We haven’t gone anywhere or done anything other than grocery shop and go to the beach for a day since Marin was born in February so I think we all benefited from some time away. Being up in Vermont for a few days just solidified how much we love it up there.
If you’re looking for something to buy, try, read, share or pin, we’ve got you covered. Here’s the best of the week…
Jess (J) & Caylin (C)
Click. Read. Love. 7.24.20
If you do one thing today, watch AOC’s speech responding to Rep. Ted Yoho’s non-apology after calling her a “fucking bitch” on the steps of the Capitol.
Jamie Loftus, the comedian that infiltrated Mensa. This was an older piece that I missed the first time around but really enjoyed! (C)
The most beautiful looking gazpacho with a garlic cream.
America’ educators deserve a plan, not a trap.
Equilibria is having a 15% off sale on their Brilliance and Balance Box. It can be combined with my coupon code jessannkirby for an additional 15% off for first time customers. I subscribe to the Mint Balance Box (you save even more on the subscription price). (J)
I can’t wait to read this book: Brag Better-Master the Art of Fearless Self-Promotion.
Reporting back on this, but for fans of the books The Baby-Sitters Club series on Netflix hit me right in the feels, this article sums up why.
Michelle Obama is launching a podcast!
Verishop is having a 25% off sale on apparel and 10% off on beauty with code HIGHSUMMER. Love these ankle crop jeans by RE/DONE, the Girlfriend Collective bike shorts and leggings, mid-length AGOLDE denim shorts, and these are the salt and pepper grinders I have. They carry a bunch of my fave clean beauty brands too including Ursa Major, Playa and Indie Lee.
“Self care isn’t selfish, but it also shouldn’t be the end goal. It should be the means to an end. For us, the end point is taking care of other people and the community.” A conversation with the founder of Girls Night In.
These stars are bringing women’s pro soccer to Los Angeles, but they’re sort of dream team themselves.
This is such a great post on how to have a safe baby shower during Covid from Ayana. Love the idea of a drive through.
This cherry and lemon ice box cake looks refreshing and easy to make.
Have you caught yourself doom scrolling during quarantine? Here’s how to stop.
I’ve been slathering this body butter on at night. It’s so moisturizing and the smell is heavenly.
If you have trouble meditating, mindful walking might be a nice alternative for you.
Love this DIY Turmeric face mask from Grace.
Awkwafina is insanely talented, if you haven’t seen her in The Farewell or Crazy Rich Asians check them out.
A delicious recipe for all that zucchini!
An incredible work tool: here’s how to take constructive criticism.
For a laugh, hidden truths behind 2020 Instagram captions.
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