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3 responses

  1. Lyddiegal

    I don’t blame you for staying in this NYE, it’s going to be way to cold out there!

    I’m not sure how I feel about some of the decor trends. I doubt furry blankets will realistically be replaced by interesting plants, though I wouldn’t mind having both. I’m fine with saying goodbye to millennial pink, but I can’t imagine white walls being replaced by crazy wallpaper. Love the pretty tile, and I thought boring candles would be replaced by oil diffuseness, not just interesting candles.

    I also just got a similar faux fur scarf for christmas, which I love, but I feel like it just wants to slide right off my neck. Do you have any tips for keeping it in place?


  2. kim

    a cozy NYE sounds perfect! can’t wait to check out these links!

    midnight snark

  3. Lynn

    Wow Sales!
    I just got yours and my favorite Isabelle High Rise Jeans on sale at AG for $112.00. I also got the Peach Puffer Bomber at Nordies. It’s 60 degrees here today in Florida so I’m hoping the package at my door is that Jacket!
    I loved today’s blog ! I can’t wait to see the bedroom color . I think the reason you have such nice readers is there is a very warm and cozy feeling like you are inviting us into your home, sharing your adorable pups and your life . There’s something truly special about that mixed with your talent and the great information about any area of life we are interested in to learn and better ourselves a bit more . It feels like a flower blooming on a bare bush in the middle of winter to read. Happy New Year Guys!!

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