midi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbelle
I’m headed to San Francisco today with Craig and VERY excited for a week of really good Mexican food. Sadly this is my last outfit post from the Bahamas, probably much more sad for me than you! But it was so nice to look back on photos and remember how warm and humid the air was. Looking forward to heading to another warm climate. I can’t believe it’s already Easter this weekend! It sure doesn’t feel like spring here in New England yet. Stay tuned on Instagram (and follow Craig too) to see snaps from our trip. And check out the awesome giveaway below where I’ve teamed up with some fabulous bloggers for a cash prize!

midi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbelle midi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbellemidi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbellemidi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbellemidi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfitmidi skirt, cropped tee, all white outfit, easter outfit ideas, yosi samra campbelle


Ashley Brooke | Diary of A Debutante | Mash Elle | Covering The Bases | Visions of Vogue


Style Elixir | Upbeat Soles | Let It Be Beautiful | Sidesmile Style | Live More Beautifully


The Darling Detail | Livvyland | Money Can Buy Lipstick | Vandi Fair | A Fancy Affair


Prosecco & Plaid | Fabes Fashion | Blushing Basics | B.Y.O Beauty | Leopard Martini

$440 Paypal Giveaway

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4 responses

  1. Natali

    You look so pretty in this chic and feminine outfit! I like your skirt, it’s such a fabulous piece!


  2. preeti

    such a gorgeous look!

    xoxo, Preeti

  3. Trillina Palemi


  4. Terri S

    I love, Love, LOVE that striped top! It goes great with your whole look and would look great with jeans.

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