Craig and I agree on most things, music, politics, food, places we want to travel, our love of animals, and our obsession with old trucks. We’ve always dreamed of having an old truck, our favorite being the 1960s-1970s Ford F100. When we lived in California we would see the coolest trucks from that era and talk about how one day we’d have one of our own. A few weeks ago we were both on eBay looking at old Fords and we can across one in Montana. It was a beautiful creamy white, 1970, and in decent shape for a truck that’s 40+ years old. So we put a bid on it and we went to bed. I didn’t think much of it and I certainly didn’t think we would win it, but when I woke up to an email saying “congratulations on winning the Ford F100” I was stunned and kind of freaking out. So after what was a less than pleasant ordeal figuring out how to get it back here (shipping companies are for the most part the absolute worst and the entire industry is full of scammers, it is so poorly regulated- rant over) she finally made it home.
We are still kind of pinching ourselves that we’ve got a beautiful 1970 Ford F100 sitting in our garage. Taking her for a spin out to our favorite Saturday morning spot was a bit surreal. In all honesty I don’t often “dream” about buying things. Yes I have a fashion blog and post clothes for a living, but I don’t, for the most part, really fantasize about clothes or handbags or shoes or other things. But I’ve always dreamed of owning a Ford F100, and maybe it’s materialistic to be this happy about buying a thing, but damn it feels good to call her mine.
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