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24 responses

  1. Cathy

    I love this post thanks for being honest I also believe that not everything is for everyone doesn’t make us less of a person ?

  2. julie

    Yes exactly – the energy & thought you put into your posts is what I love about your content! I can’t tell you how many things I’ve purchased from viewing it on your blog. So thank you for always keeping it real!

  3. Shloka

    You know what babe you have to do you. If you don’t find it valuable then there is no point because you have to stay true to yourself and that is awesome!


  4. Meghan

    This is so spot on, Jess! I went to my first NYFW in Sept, and even though I had such a blast with my blogger friends, there was so much about the week that made me feel inadequate, not special, not as important as others who seemed to be at alllll the shows, alllll the parties. I love how you’ve chosen to stay true to what works for you, and realize that it doesn’t have to be the be all end all (because IG deifnitely makes it seem like it is haha)

    Xx, Meghan

  5. Cecilia

    Amen to that. I, personally, don’t see the point of fashion week. When Fashion Week is upon us, I usually check which celebrity is going and what they are wearing. The rest is noise to me. Everyone is different and I’m glad to read that you are staying true to yourself.

    Kinds Regards,

  6. Krystal // The Krystal Diaries

    I completely understand how you feel. I’m not into Fashion Week either. Truthfully it seems draining and tiring. I’m always asked why I don’t go, especially being a New Yorker, and I get crazy looks when I say I’m just not into it. I like shopping and clothes but I’m not actually a “fashion” lover. It just wouldn’t be me if I forced myself to go just to have something to blog about and share on Insta.

  7. Michelle Johnson

    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  8. Betty Ann Graham

    Absolutely loved this. Appreciate your truthfulness and it is something (besides your great content) that I have always admired about you as a blogger! Thanks for keeping the creative vibes but also sharing how it isn’t all “real life,” we all have issues under our picture-perfect Instagram. From one double-name person to another, love it Jess Ann!

  9. Jenny

    Thank you for sharing this honest perspective! My blog has a small following, but I’ve been daydreaming over whether I’d go to fashion week if I ever had the chance. My thoughts are leaning more toward yours, in that I would ask myself why I was there and not have a satisfactory answer to give. I’m glad there is someone else like you out there to share this perspective with your readers 🙂

  10. Marina

    I’m a new subscriber to your blog and love your content and style. I find your voice refreshingly honest and free of pretense. I’ve often wondered if all bloggers enjoyed Fashion Week. Outside of getting some hints about up and coming trends, I think most fashion week looks are over the top and not very wearable. Thanks for putting it all out there!

  11. Mary-Katherine

    Love this post so much! I used to have a fashion blog and it wasn’t even big at all and yet I totally 100% felt that pressure to go to Fashion Week!

    I am impressed by your awareness to realize that it actually served no purpose for you and your blog and had the courage to just say nope, not doing it. You are absolutely doing just fine without it! If I want fashion week content, there are so many other places to find it and I always appreciate your approachable everyday posts.

    xo Mary-Katherine

  12. Amanda

    I had trouble getting into fashion week as well. I look at the styles they show and think “no way will that work in the everyday world”. That is why I love your style so much—I can not only relate to it but I can also wear it! I also want to say that I am loving how you are going from just fashion to lifestyle blogger.

  13. Izikova

    It’s important to do what makes you feel good. No one can make you attend fashion weeks if you don’t need this, Anyway, you have a nice style even if you’re not attending the fashion shows.

  14. Betsy

    I’ve been struggling with end of career issues, Jess. “What am I doing here?” really made me pause and think. Fashion week is not my thing and fashion, in general, was not what attracted me to your blog. The topics you cover are meaningful and relevant to so many people. Am I struggling with self doubt? Heck, yeah. Why do I feel like a phony? Argh! Yeah, sometimes I do feel like I’m faking it. Expressing my opinion when it may hurt or backfire? It’s hard and yes, I struggle. These, and some many others, are issues ALL of us women grapple with on a day to day basis. Thanks for being so genuine and telling it like it is, with kindness and love. The article was about why you gave up fashion week, but it goes way deeper than that and this is why you are one of my favorite bloggers. xox

  15. pictaram

    Actually I’m not into about fashion week, too 🙂 I like your blog because of the posts you share. Just do what you love <3

  16. Vanessa

    I really appreciated the honesty in this post. That’s what I love so much about your blog – it’s always so refreshingly honest compared to a lot of the other lifestyle blogs I read. You don’t mince words and you’ve always been really direct and sincere when it comes to explaining the behind-the-scenes stuff to us.

    Fashion Week has become a total nightmare over the past decade or so and I totally blame the internet and social media for its downfall. I studied Fashion in college about 15 years ago and back then, Fashion Week was still mostly about the collections. It wasn’t about the people sitting in the front row or about street style.

  17. Aulikki

    Thank you for your insightful comments. I have struggled for a long time with my own feelings of not being “enough”! Your perspective is very refreshing!

  18. Clare

    And this is exactly why we are loyal readers of your blog! Thank you for always being real!
    Plus..do you have idea how many things I’ve purchased because I’ve seen them here?

  19. chelsea

    Love this post! So authentic and real. xox

  20. Jess

    Thanks for writing this. It’s super refreshing. I love that your work is purposeful and true to you. I believe it helps your readers connect more to you. I really love how you keep it real.

  21. Floria lena

    I love your post because of your truth towards fashion week. Thanks for sharing honest perspective through this post.

  22. Christine Dumas

    Love this Jess. Your honesty and your desire to be truthful to yourself and not feel like you have to fit in is what truly makes you one of my favs!

  23. Ailsa lena

    I have always admired your site, Thanks for the great tips and work .

  24. Kim Pappert

    I love you coat! Where is it from?

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