How To Make The Perfect Iced Coffee This Summer

iced coffee ice tray newport RI prosecco & plaid

Nothing gets a hot summer morning started better than the perfect iced coffee. Why buy one every day when, with a little prep, you can make a delicious cup at home. Not to brag, but we think it’s way tastier than your standard store bought version (caution: this recipe is highly addictive).

iced coffee making cubes newport RI prosecco & plaid

We’ve found the best way to start out is by doing a little work ahead of time. Make a batch of your favorite ground coffee. Let it cool and then pour it into ice cube trays. Freeze until you’ve got coffee cubes, this way your iced coffee won’t get diluted by plain old water based ice cubes.

iced coffee cubes nespresso newport RI prosecco & plaid

First thing in the morning, brew your favorite coffee, we live for our Nespresso machine, it’s the easiest (and most delicious) way to brew on a daily basis. While the coffee is hot add sweetener or leave it black. The heat melts the sugar so it distributes more evenly into the final product. We love adding local honey or agave, both are nice alternatives to white sugar. Stir this mixture and let it cool (or put it in the fridge)  until you’re ready to head out.

iced coffee cubes stacked newport RI prosecco & plaidiced coffee with milk stacked newport RI prosecco & plaid

Fill your to-go mug of choice with the coffee cubes and pour your lukewarm coffee over them. Add milk, seal up your beverage, shake, and consume!

iced coffee shake newport RI prosecco & plaid

Your wallet and tastebuds will thank you. You’ll be so impressed with yourself you might even contemplate moonlighting as a barista…maybe.

What do you think? We’d love to hear any other iced coffee tips or recipes for summer!

iced coffee finished newport RI prosecco & plaid

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14 responses

  1. Maria Jose Abad

    This is great, I don’t drink coffee personally but whenever I have guests staying at my place, they’re all about coffee coffee coffee. I have a friend staying with me this weekend and I may need to give this a try and surprise her. Happy weekend’s eve.

    MariaOnPoint | Find me on IG

    1. Caylin Harris

      Thanks so much! Haha be careful, I find that giving houseguests delicious coffee means they’ll keep coming back.

  2. Chris

    Yup… looks like you hit my process pretty much head on.

    If you don’t want to use your single cup maker (or don’t have one), just soak a cup of ground coffee overnight in a quart jar filled to the top with water, filter the grounds out and you’ll have enough cold brew for the next few days.

    1. Caylin Harris

      Thanks for the suggestion Chris! I’ve always wanted to try cold brew, I’ll give it a try this weekend.

    2. Shirl

      Do you soak at room temperature or in the refrigerator?

  3. stylemelauren

    Ok this is making me want an iced coffee/latte right now! how yummy!! XO


    1. Caylin Harris

      Thanks for the love Lauren! Let us know how you like it when you try it out.

  4. Jen

    This looks delicious and I don’t even drink coffee. Might have to try it!

    Jen | affecionada

    1. Caylin Harris

      Give it a try Jen, it’s tasty. You can apply similar techniques if you prefer iced tea too. It’s all about pre-freezing the cubes so it doesn’t get watered down.

  5. Alexa Johnson

    This ice cube hack in genius! Trying it soon.

    1. Caylin Harris

      Aw thanks! Let us know how you like it.

    1. Caylin Harris

      Thanks Monika!

  6. Weekend Reading. – The Stripe

    […] How good does this look? The perfect iced coffee recipe. […]

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