My Favorite Summer Hair Care Products

Summer Hair Care Products

How is everyone doing? We had a super mellow weekend which was so nice. I thought it would be helpful to do a round up of my favorite clean beauty summer hair care products because I find myself answering this question a lot in my DMs. I finally got my hair done again after 7 months, it was kind of weird but also really nice. And I really want to help make it last as long as possible so, especially in the summer, my hair care routine is very much focused on protecting my color and keeping it from fading or getting brassy. These are all great products I use regularly in the summer to keep my hair healthy and shiny. I noticed a few are sold out but should be re-stocked soon! You can watch the video on my IGTV.

My Favorite Summer Hair Care Products

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7 responses

  1. Rach

    I’ve not tried anything from Playa yet. So i’ll definitely give your recs a try!

    1. Jess

      Oh it’s so good! I hope you like. xx

  2. Krystal

    I’ve been on the search for a UV protectant hair spray. I had one I loved for years but can’f find it anymore so I’ll be buying this one!

    1. Jess

      oh yay! It’s a good one and it lasts forever!

  3. Mariya Zafirova

    Need all of these products!

    Mariya |

  4. Jen De Simone

    I’ve been using Giovanni shampoo for years now since I cannot find a suitable clean replacement that doesn’t build up in your hair. I will have to look into this Briogeo! Thanks for the recommendation.

    1. Jess

      Briogeo is great! Also a clarifying shampoo I like that’s affordable is Seaweed Bath Co.

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